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Stock Navigators


Leading Others to Financial Freedom

The stock market can be an intimidating place, a fact that tends to turn people away from trading or investing. But by making it more accessible to everyday people with educational courses, daily newsletters, and an online community, Stock Navigators allows anyone to invest in their own future.

My role was to spread this mission statement through all forms of marketing, including direct response, long-form promotions, organic social media, and ads across email, Facebook, Youtube, and TikTok. Additionally, I worked to build our brand through redesigns, internal marketing, website copy, and other creative executions specific to the company image.

Video Ads


NYSE Ad: Has been running within KPIs for over 6 months, garnering 750,000+ views


Running Miami: Best performing ad within testing group of new location ads


Why’d You Buy: Highest viewed video on TikTok with 2.6K views


Long Form Content

“9-to-5” Facebook Ad

Ran for 8+ months as a Top 5 Ad for the company, with under $12 cost-per-lead and high performance later down the funnel

Active Trader: New Year Free Trial

This 3-part email series achieved a 40% sign up rate for a brand new offer running for the holiday

Options Accelerator Live Webinar

First a live video webinar and later an evergreen landing page, this product launch reached goal of 50+ sign up in 48 hours

Website Copy



Role: Copywriter

Company: Stock Navigators