The Who


Hi, I’m Callaghan. The ‘g’ is silent. So is one of the ‘l’s, technically.

Making structured lists about my qualities makes me uncomfortable. Luckily, I am always stepping out of my comfort zone.

  • It’s instinctual for me to unironically give a thumbs up in photos.

  • My dream job as a kid was to be a blackjack dealer, but I kept getting too distracted to count cards properly. Copywriter was a close second.

  • People who inspire me most are John Mulaney, Taika Waititi, and the guy went to my middle school who is pursuing a fairly successful rap career.

  • The best subscription service is AMC A-List and you cannot change my mind.

Those are some fun facts about me. Here are some professional facts about me:

When people say, “Cheese!” I show off my thumb.